Athena Voltaire returns to Kickstarter!

Athena Voltaire and the Terror on the Orient Express has launched on Kickstarter!

This adventure follows Athena as she reunites on board the luxury train. As always, danger follows our globetrotting aviatrix wherever she goes. Here’s a sneak peek:

There are a few other pages in this opening sequence, but this should give you an idea of where we’re going.

This exchange, in particular, between Athena and an old friend, was a blast to write. It intentionally doesn’t pass the Bechdel Test, because I wanted to stress just how different Athena is from her contemporaries—even people who she’s known since she was young. 

This sequence (7 pages in total) was penciled by Unai Ortiz, inked by me, and colored by DC Alonso. The rest of the Orient Express adventure is drawn by Abel Cicero, with the ever-talented Mr. Alonso providing a consistent look with his excellent colors!

Please give it a look!

Athena Voltaire and the Terror on the Orient Express

The next Athena Voltaire volume, The Terror on the Orient Express, is still in production. We had a few delays through Action Lab, but artist Abel Cicero has continued to work on the art for the story. We’re targeting later in 2020 for a release date.

The first issue of the series, planned for the Athena Voltaire ongoing series issue #9, is a collection of 3 short stories with a wraparound framing sequence. Here’s a tease from each of those stories.

First up, here’s a look at the framing sequence, written by Chris Murrin, drawn by me, and colored by Juanma Aguilara.

Next, we have The Tomb of Ice, written by me and drawn by Gary Carbon.

Here’s The Prank, a look at Athena’s childhood, on the road with her family, touring with circuses and the like. It’s written by me, pencilled and colored by Jason Millet, and inked by Jim Nelson.

Lastly, we have The Getaway, written and inked by me, penciled by JunBob Kim, and colored by Jason Millet.

Going forward, I’ll post another update soon, this time previewing the main 3-issue story arc for Athena Voltaire and the Terror on the Orient Express.